Fireworks and fun

It has to have been the best New Year's Eve.
To be stood on a hilltop at Sydney Harbour, looking out toward the bridge and Opera House, among dozens of my friends and watching $4 million of fireworks was just spectacular.
We congregated at Bradley's Head in the late afternoon - a picnic area near Taronga Zoo (see photo of the view on previous post) - with champagne and enthusiasm.
The weather, though sometimes grey, was not raining as predicted and it was warm. We sat on blankets, over 50 of us from the hostel, and watched twin boys fighting on the grass, older people complaining about our loudness and the slow ascent (or decline - depending on your view) of everyone into a merry mood.
We sat and chatted and drank cider (me) or beer (most people) or vodka (the hardcore) and watched as a red question mark lit up the centre of the harbour bridge.

Waiting for the fun at Bradley's Head on NYE.
The theme for the NYE 2006-7 celebrations was Diamond Night in the Emerald City and later the question mark turned into a huge glowing diamond in the middle of an illuminated coathanger - the name Sydneysiders allegedly give to the bridge. Steve has just pointed out to me that in 17 years here he has never once heard it called that. And neither have I. But nevertheles, it celebrates its 75th anniversary this March.
As dusk fell, hundreds of twinkling boat lights dotted the harbour and the opera house shone out bright as a beacon.
The first firework show at 9pm was awesome and we whooped and cheered and then carried on our fun and games, running behind the toilet block to avoid hour-long toilet queues and getting scratched to pieces, playing with an adorable little boy called Tom whose family took dozens of photos of us, trying to set our friends up or laughing at those already taking a 'nap'.
Midnight suddenly came up upon us and the whole field got to its feet and whooped and cheered through the countdown before the skyline infront of us blazed into colour for a ten-minute spectacle of light. The harbour bridge erupted and even the skyscrapers burst with fireworks. It is supposed to have been the biggest ever firework display at Sydney Harbour Bridge and we all felt awed to actually be there.
When the show was over and we had all wished each other happy new year, we all started to flood out of the field in search of taxis or buses home.
Welsh Gareth (Cheeky face) and I managed to lose everyone and started to walk home when we realised we were moving a lot lot lot faster than any of the free buses or taxis.
As we walked through Mosman, we passed the Lawn Bowls Association and two men were calling out to passers-by to come down as the bar was open and we could learn the game. Our ears pricked up and we bounded down and spent a good half hour learning the tricks and tactics of bowls with the director Pete and the chairman.
It wasn't long before a few fellow stragglers found us and Nelson, Danny Jones, Kate and Rueben joined us to master the game. It was truly comic and we all threw ourselves into it with good humour and gusto. Rueben's attempts to throw us the bowls back saw him banned from the green and later, we decided we had enough bowling experience under our belts and made our way up through Mosman and eventually caught a bus home on a comedy ride.

Everyone made their way home in dribs and drabs - some catching buses the whole way or walking miles to flag down a taxi. Some walked the whole way home - a three hour hike before starting the party up at the hostel again.
Since then, the mood at the hostel and in Manly has been somewhat sober. Apart from the Welshies 'finding' a cardboard cut-out of Robbie and adopting him as their new drinking partner, most people have been recovering or just simply preparing to leave.
A whole contingent of our friends leaves over the next few days so, as Danielle and I finally move into place with friends this weekend, everyone moves on. The irony.
Still, with seven of us sharing a two bed flat - life is going to be interesting in our new place. I have been spending most of my days there recently, either scaving a bed at the hostel or the sofa at the flat until Team Canada move on.

Sounds on Boxing Day with Dani and Danielle

Christmas with the Devlins

Christmas shrimp on the barbie

Dinner with the Devlins
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