... no it's not mine
My lovely friend Dani has a blog on her Myspace site and it is so funny and conjures up the whole spirit of last weekend. Plus she remembers heaps of details I forget. Star!

Her blog on the Blue mountains...
"blue mountains, possums, a light house and a steep railway ride
".,,We arrived at about 7, they [the mountains] are stunning, not really mountains at all (they are but are not really high) the range is just very extensive and covered in pristine forest. We bumped along the dirt roads to find a great secluded spot under the eucalyptus trees - a massive canopy of eucalyptus, blanketed above us. We set up our tents, collected firewood ever so wary of the world renowned venomous Australian creatures, the spiders, snakes and of course drop bears ready to attack with only the slightest provocation we cleared the area of any available wood
"The fire starter himself, Mr taz set to work on what has to have been one of the best camp fires in the history of camping. The first beer was cracked open very swiftly and the conversation began to flow, rather loudly to compete with the sounds of the wild echoing through the canopy and tunneling into our clearing. Hunger however began to creep in, taking over everyones senses...
"We got out the saussies and realised that we had no grill, well done, ten points to us. But then the boys had an idea, like I have never seen before.. The rocks around the fire had heated up pretty quickly, so they moved two rocks into the middle of the fire, cleared the flames to the sides and cooked all the saussies on the rocks, rock on. delicious. a couple of rounds of I have never ensued ( very clean I must add, we just wanted to hear each others traveling/ camping/ life stories more than anything) and by the time the rain started to fall we were ready to lay down our contented heads. As we were eating our sausies and bread we saw a little visitor eyeing us, timidly shuffling around the outskirts. However he very quickly sussed out the mellowness and good vibes and ventured into the circle of friends, he wandered around and decided on taz... walking up to him licking him on the back. the POSSUM licked him!
"I woke up to sounds like I have never heard before (pun intended). The sky was cracking open . cockatoos , millions of them were squawking in the trees above, every now and then they would all do call together and then it sounded like I was underneath a volcano. I stuck my head out of our cozy tent to smell the fresh, clear morning air and saw all the birds littering the roof of the canopy, stunning. After a brekkie of samies with cheese, sausages and chips we packed up and headed for the heart of the blue mountains.
"Golly its stunning, charlie, danielle and I walked down into the valley, its a steep vertical downward walk through the forest, past the waterfalls, into the depth of the jungle, so so cool. but lost tom half way, where does he always go?
"At the bottom we took the scenic railway up, its awesome, but very freaky a sheer climb straight up, its the steepest railway in the world. and we sat in the front, looking over, I held on tight, my heart exploding out of me and my legs jelly.
"We spent the rest of the afternoon driving and walking through the little towns, up a few more hills and had a delicious lunch on the grass in a very quaint, however superficial town called Leura. the drive back was a much quieter affair in contrast to the very loud, out of tune, excited drive up (we got through every show tune, played a bit of famous names and even got onto old MacDonald, the best rendition I have ever heard- what sound does a kangaroo make?). We went to the hostel last night for a bit of a jam with hostel friends and to say bye to some people leaving for aussie travels today, it was a great ending to a super cool weekend."
It's a great week - weather-wise at least. It is very very hot and beautifully sunny now. Summer really is here with temperatures in the high 20s and Sunday set to be 36C or something ridiculous like that. It's all very well when you can jump in the ocean of course.
But this Sunday Dani, Taz, Paul, Danielle, Paul's lady Lindsey and possibly Tom or Michelle, and I are taking ANOTHER road trip. We are heading to Hunter Valley for some wine tasting. Paul has kindly offered to be the designated driver so the rest of us are going to have a jolly day tasting the best of the regions wine :) Can't wait.
Apparently there are lots of places to sit outside, sip wine and look over the vineyards so if it's a scorcher it's going to be great. We were supposed to go up on Saturday after Dani finished work for the Starlight cinema (movies under the stars) but Danielle and I are being responsible. We have been offered well-paid work in a different department at Fairfax publishing from 12 to 8pm and it's probably going to be mind-numbing - though that's ok with us after the stress of our week-day jobs.

Danielle at work today...

The view from our office window - the aquarium and wildlife world in the foreground. Sometimes we see anjimals!
This week has been CRAZY busy and I swear we are not well-paid enough for the high-level of responsibility. I mean I'm responsible for getting whole magazines to press, making sure everyone is on deadline, setting deadlines and all this malarky for a whole host of magazines... EVERYTHING was going wrong like my Mac breaking, deadlines out of whack, adverts not coming through on time, problems with pages... still, keeps me busy...
On Tuesday night, we had a barbecue down at Shelley Beach again. Well, we ate at home for cheapness and then joined Dani, Taz, our housemates and other hostel people on the beach for a really lovely and chilled out evening with a few glasses of wine as the sun went down and then under the stars. They were really bright and we stargazed at Orion's Belt and Saturn - strange that the constellation is upside down here. Dani laid out her rules for life, which included friends come first, always say yes to friend's suggestions, and don't compare yourself to anyone. I can't think of the others but I'm sure the two of us had an epiphany...

Freshwater Beach
Last night (Thursday), Emily, Danielle and I walked to Freshwater Beach and sat with a bottle of red wine near the beach and chatted about everything and anything. It has been a good week all in all.